It's been a wee while since I have ranted about my local Cooncil,Its pretty hard tae have a rant when the cooncil has gone part-time.Because some of them in the Liebour run Cooncil have full-time jobs. The Cooncil now meet every 3 months so any transparency or accountability is impossible,the leader Councillor Martin Rooney[S.A.D] runs a tight ship making sure all Councillor's do as he says hence the SAD after his name stands for Short Arsed Dictator. Some may thing I am being cheeky & abusive towards him,but I'm not he likes to dish it out. Lets see how he likes it back. In one of my previous rants I had a go at him for slagging an SNP Councillor, while in the opposition.
Now Labour have supposedly being running
the cooncil since May 2012 but apparently
that's not the fact it's been the managers of the
various departments that have being doing so.
How do I know this because its been confirmed
by a very reliable sources,if this is the way
Labour wish tae run the cooncil then they must
be held accountable before this starts tae have
serious consequences for the people & service
in West Dunbartonshire. Something has to be
done before this bunch of self serving idiots
make a total balls up of the cooncil
One Scotland, Our Scotland
Alba gu Brath, Saor Alba